all postcodes in S21 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S21 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S21 3JS 5 53.295634 -1.323483
S21 3TE 0 53.293291 -1.326819
S21 3TF 0 53.29382 -1.331357
S21 3TX 0 53.294685 -1.325297
S21 3TY 1 53.294997 -1.324797
S21 3TZ 0 53.294325 -1.325273
S21 3UA 3 53.293338 -1.314817
S21 3UB 0 53.287914 -1.318638
S21 3UD 0 53.292841 -1.323601
S21 3UE 0 53.292957 -1.326525
S21 3UF 0 53.293395 -1.331033
S21 3UG 0 53.29472 -1.330263
S21 3UH 0 53.295386 -1.330478
S21 3UJ 0 53.293947 -1.326764
S21 3UL 2 53.293025 -1.324318
S21 3UN 0 53.294887 -1.32774
S21 3UP 0 53.291862 -1.326812
S21 3UQ 0 53.296731 -1.332797
S21 3UR 3 53.2961 -1.334022
S21 3US 0 53.292742 -1.31085